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Nov 9, 2021, 11 tweets

Extended thread, night of August 25th, 2020: Kyle Rittenhouse is seen waving to a passing Bearcat along Sheridan Road in Kenosha

An armed group stands outside Car Doctor in Kenosha, with Kyle near a burned-out vehicle in the lot

11 minutes before the first shots are fired, the crowd is being slowly moved south on Sheridan, after police had fired off teargas and other crowd control munitions in Civic Center Park

Along with the police positioned on Sheridan Road, there are police and firefighters a couple blocks to the west, blocking the area near a fire being put out in a used car lot #Kenosha

Moments after the first shots are fired a few blocks away, much of the crowd begins moving quickly south, towards the sound of the gunfire #Kenosha

Kyle is then seen running northbound, towards the police on Sheridan Road

Warning: Graphic Video
Shortly after the final shooting, police arrive on scene and take away Gaige Grosskreutz into one of their Bearcats

“Leave the area, everyone” Police make an announcement as they try to disperse people remaining near the scene of the shootings on Sheridan Road #Kenosha

More officers arrive as they begin to cordon off the scene at Sheridan & 61st Street in Kenosha

“We got a f**king gun right here.”
“Victim - one of the guys that got shot - his pistol’s right here.”
An officer points out Gaige’s firearm in the street

The taped-off scene at Sheridan and 61st Street at the end of the night #Kenosha

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