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Nov 9, 2021, 6 tweets

Hundreds of migrants camped out near the Belarus border with Poland in freezing overnight temperatures as the Polish Prime Minister visited the border and officials warned tension could increase in coming days 1/6

Poland has accused Belarus of trying to spark a major confrontation by encouraging the migrants to cross into Poland and the European Union 2/6

Video clips have shown hundreds of migrants walking towards the Polish border near Kuznica village and some trying to breach a fence using spades and other tools 3/6

Footage published by the Polish police showed migrants' tents and campfires on the Belarus side of the barbed wire fence 4/6

Poland's Border Guard told Reuters that about 800 people were camped out on the Belarusian side of the fence, part of a group of up to 4,000 migrants there and in nearby forests 5/6

A spokesman for Poland's special services said estimates showed there could be up to 12,000 migrants in Belarus.

Full story: 6/6

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