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I make contraptions on my Youtube channel

Nov 9, 2021, 9 tweets

How do I clean the IPA I use in my resin printers? A thread:

The first thing is pour the dirty IPA in a bottle with a funnel and put it in the cure chamber for 60 minutes. After that the IPA looks cloudy and white (I only print with clear resin).

Then I pour the IPA on a plastic tub and wait around 15 minutes.

In those 15 minutes it goes from this:

To this:

When I consider it is completely precipitated I carefully (you don't want to disturb the resin in that sits in the bottom) pour it through a funnel with a paper towel onto a Britta filter:

This is what's left in the tub after the pouring is almost finished:

And this is how it looks after it passes through the filter:

And that's how I recycle my IPA I hope it helped.

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