Harsh | Web, Mobile, SaaS Development Profile picture
Founder https://t.co/FHMNUJ2QLs, a software development agency. Helping businesses with Mobile, Web, AI and SaaS Development. Sharing lessons on leveraging Tech.

Nov 9, 2021, 26 tweets

I've posted 14,000+ Tweets.

Here are 20 tweet formats that helped me gain 10M+ Impressions and 6000+ Followers.

Marketing / Copywriting MasterClass 🧵:

In this thread, we will go over:

1. Tweet Formats
2. Twitter Threads Hooks

Warning: You're about to steal some of my secrets that will level up your Twitter game.

Grab a cup of coffee Hot ☕️

1. Better Presentation

Try to differentiate from the rest.

Good presentation and message passing are crystal clear.

People stop scrolling as they see something new.

Tweet Link:

2. Share your experience with someone who is starting today

Share some of the common mistakes people make based on your experience.

Tweet Link:

3. Use Emoji's like a bullet

Easy to relate and understand faster.

Tweet Link:

4. Explain the current situation

Better formatting.

Easily relatable despite the niche.

Leaving open-ended questions for everyone to add what they think.

Tweet Link:

5. Target common problem

There are a ton of chances that the problem you are facing is faced by many.

Building is easy, selling is hard. ( This is faced by many of us )

People could easily relate, as it is connected with emotions.

Tweet Link:

6. Use homophone

This is something interesting by default.

Asking your audience what to do on a highly debatable topic is gold.

Everyone will tap on a tweet to check the comments

Tweet Link:

7. Share your journey

Take advantage of your experience and guide people accordingly.

Lots of people are starting their journey today, You can easily inspire them.

Tweet Link:

8. Underrated / Overrated

This is a common pattern which many people use.

Compare two things against each other and many people will relate it.

Tweet Link:

9. Share your opinion of future

Everyone wants to have a bright future.

This brings awareness among many.

You'll find my people who might not be knowing about this and find it helpful.

Tweet Link:

10. Unpopular opinion

You are trying to differentiate from the rest with your thoughts.

It works well, provided your opinion is damn good.

Tweet Link:

11. The more, the less

Try using the opposite of the word in the same tweet. ( Less / More )

It sounds very sweet while reading.

Short tweets are easy to digest.

Tweet Link:

12. Compare something with other

Comparing things with other things helps to understand thoughts crystal clear.

Message passing is sharp and crystal clear to digest faster.

Tweet Link:

13. Go with the trend

It becomes easy for everyone to relate faster.

Tweet Link:

14. Alert People

Bringing awareness amongst people so they don't make the mistake is amazing.

You are stopping people from taking shortcuts.

You are guiding others and helping them in the right way

Tweet Link:

Now, Let's take look at how to write better hooks for threads

Why Is a Good Hook Important?

You need to give reason to your audience to invest their time in what you have written.

With a good hook, you can completely immerse your audience into your content.

15. Leave your audience in suspense

This will generate more curiosity amongst the audience and the desire to click and read the thread.

They will be curious to know what's cooking inside.

Tweet Link:

16. Tell your personal stories

Personal stories are the ones that get the biggest impression, Everyone loves to hear story especially when you are sharing your experience.

Tweet Link:

Here is another example of personal stories

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17. Make a surprising statement

Starting your thread with a controversial or unexpected statement will encourage your audience to keep reading.

Make sure your content is living up to the expectation in the subsequent threads.

Tweet Link:

18. Tell the audience they are not doing it right

This is a clear sign the most of them will tap on the thread to test their knowledge and deep dive inside.

Tweet Link:

19. Show them the stats

It is very clear that you have done the homework and are ready to share your finding with the audience.

You are saving hours by doing research on your own.

Tweet Link:

20. Statement hook

Statement hooks often make the reader either want to argue against your view or follow along with your thoughts.

Tweet Link:

Thanks for checking this out!

I hope it helps you gain more impressions, likes and followers.

1. Follow @MakadiaHarsh for more such threads

2. Retweet the first to help others

Checkout Twitter Toolkit - Everything you need to know about Twitter Growth Strategies


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