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Freedom, Justice, Love & Coffee.

Nov 9, 2021, 38 tweets

The Piers Gaveston Society 👀👇

'The high-society men-only club was said by the PM's contemporary James Delingpole to include 'poseurs, homosexuals, pretend homosexuals, exquisites, degenerates'.'… 2015

'But, occasionally, the club opens its doors for others to peer in on a world of drug-fuelled wealth.'
'The ex-student, who was 21 at the time, reveals a heady festival vibe where revellers danced in a haze of trance tunes taking MDMA and cocaine until dawn.'

'The club, supposedly named after the favourite and supposed lover of King Edward II, is said to host wild parties which in the past have involved mass drug-taking and live sex shows, certainly mark it down as among the most debauched, in a crowded field.' 2015

Debauched Oxford University students fornicate a goat - 2017…

'Every year, Piers Gaveston holds a summer ball, described by the Telegraph as parties where “Cross-dressing is as likely to feature as speed-laced jelly. The rules are simple – there are none.” '

The Sun 2017 - ' “posh” (upper-class) half-naked students were seen queuing up to board the bus to this year’s £90-per-head ball Piers Gaveston summer ball held in a remote field — the females wearing only nipple tassels and body paint, the men in high heels.'

'Piers Gaveston past members include movie actor Hugh Grant and former UK Prime Minister David Cameron who took part in an initiation ceremony in which Cameron screwed a dead pig’s mouth.'

'Edward II – was a king who, legend has it, was killed by a red hot poker being inserted into his anus....'

'Hugh Grant enjoying himself at the 1983 Piers Gaveston Ball...'

'The drinking societies currently active at Oxford and come to a stonking 48. The Goblins, the Phoenix, the Myrmidon, the Halcyon - their names are straight out of Game of Thrones. Their activities are pretty medieval too. Initiation rites...' Tatler 2014

'Famous attendees of Galveston events include Ian Hislop, Tom Parker Bowles, and Nigella Lawson, shown here in elaborate fancy dress at a summer ball in 1983.'

Piers Galveston Society is one of the weirdest, richest, and most debauched drinking clubs in the UK...Do parents realise this when they send their kids here?...

'According to people who were at the university in 2004, photos circulated among Oxford students of a bright young Labour talent in a bed with two women next to a "mountain of cocaine", but it was decided not to give them to the student press to..

protect students who want to do drugs and have sex at university.'

Are these students then set up for blackmail as there is clear evidence from these parties- should someone choose to record it...

End Part One/

The Piers Gaveston Society 👀👇…

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