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Nov 9, 2021, 5 tweets

Bolivians in the highland city of La Paz celebrated the Day of Skulls over the weekend, bringing out the bones of loved ones which are adorned with flowers and wigs 1/5

The colorful tradition with the skulls, known as 'natitas,' is rooted in ancient indigenous beliefs that is meant to bring good fortune and protection by honoring the dead 2/5

The skulls are decorated and paraded to the cemetery a week after All Saints Day.

The celebration is believed to have its roots in the Uru Chipaya custom of disinterring the bodies of loved ones at the one-year anniversary of their death 3/5

The skulls were surrounded by candles and coca leaves, which many in the country chew for energy, garlanded with colorful flowers, fake hair, sunglasses, Andean hats, and even one with a small model of a Grim Reaper, the personification of death 4/5

People in the cemetery remembered their loved ones and asked for protection and help for the year ahead.

Some carried the skulls in decorative boxes 6/6

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