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Nov 9, 2021, 16 tweets

The first issue of Rolling Stone magazine was published today in 1967. Let's look back at its first ten years in print.

Tiny Tim and the scandal of stereo. Rolling Stone, July 1968.

The death of Dr. Strange. Rolling Stone, October 1969.

American Revolution. Rolling Stone, April 1969.

What a Performance. Rolling Stone, September 1970.

Jimi Hendrix. Rolling Stone, October 1970.

The Lyman family. Rolling Stone, December 1971.

"A head as big as Elvis's belt buckle." Rolling Stone, July 1972.

Fear and loathing in Miami Beach. Rolling Stone, August 1972.

How to beat a bust. Rolling Stone, August 1973.

Dr. Hook. Rolling Stone, March 1973.

Who runs the economy? Rolling Stone, June 1974.

Tommy. Rolling Stone, April 1975.

The healing of Brother Brian. Rolling Stone, November 1976.

Star Wars Vs Dolly Parton. Rolling Stone, August 1977.

More rock journalism another time...

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