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30+ • Yoongi ult, Joon & Tae biased, OT7 always 💜 • Tiny Desk ARMY • Hard, soft, whiplash, screaming • NSFW 🔞 • I write and ppl yell at me

Nov 9, 2021, 21 tweets

Was anyone else clueless about how incredible Summer Package 2018 was? Just me? Let’s take a look anyway, and make it a voting thread.

#BTS #TheGroup #PCAs @BTS_twt

To start with, Yoongi is a whole gd boyfriend

#Butter #TheSong #PCAs @BTS_twt

Namjoon is flirting with plants, AGAIN

#Butter #TheMusicVideo #PCAs @BTS_twt

Then there’s these three tropical cuties with their STRAW HATS and COCONUTS and LEGS

#BTS #TheGroup #PCAs @BTS_twt

Hi could you BE any cuter?! Also again with the legs 😑

#Butter #TheSong #PCAs @BTS_twt

I can’t think of a PG word for Jungkook’s expression here so we’ll just leave it alone 😵‍💫

#Butter #TheMusicVideo #PCAs @BTS_twt

🚨⚠️ High quality delulu ⚠️🚨

#BTS #TheGroup #PCAs @BTS_twt

Cutest sk8ter bois, wanna see me l8ter bois? 😏 (I’ll see myself out… after I finish this thread.)

#Butter #TheSong #PCAs @BTS_twt

Meanwhile Jimin really bringing that summer heat 🥵

#Butter #TheMusicVideo #PCAs @BTS_twt

Excuse me, sirs? Can we practice some basic vehicle and road safety?? You’re a danger to yourselves and others! Aka me. I’m others.

#BTS #TheGroup #PCAs @BTS_twt

Okay I know it’s summer package but I’m gonna need you to CHILL OUT, Hoseok, sir 🥵😵‍💫

#Butter #TheSong #PCAs @BTS_twt


#Butter #TheMusicVideo #PCAs @BTS_twt

okay wow it’s just everyone then that’s fine I’m fine

#BTS #TheGroup #PCAs @BTS_twt

hahahahahahahaaahahahahahhahahaha 🥴

#Butter #TheSong #PCAs @BTS_twt

Stop looking at me like that please I beg you!!

#Butter #TheMusicVideo #PCAs @BTS_twt

My brain is blue-screening 😵‍💫

#Butter #TheSong #PCAs @BTS_twt

Let’s dial it back down to cute before I completely lose my mind

#Butter #TheMusicVideo #PCAs @BTS_twt

They’re wearing clothes in the pool again but what are ya gonna do??

#Butter #TheSong #PCAs @BTS_twt

All right let’s end on the iconic Airplane Pt. 2 (Summer ver.), which was shot during this summer package, because it’s a dang delight

All scans cr @/bts_scans 💜

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