Anna Rogers Profile picture
Associate professor @ITUkbh: LLM interpretability, generalization, AI & society. Co-editor-in-chief @ACLRollingReview. Blog:

Nov 9, 2021, 11 tweets

#EMNLP2021 ends, but the Insights for Negative Results are coming tomorrow! The workshop is hybrid: virtual posters, talks by/for a mix of on-site & online speakers & attendees. Hosts: @JoaoSedoc @shabnamt1 @arumshisky @annargrs

Really proud of the program this year🧵:

8:45 Opening remarks
9:00 🗣️ Invited talk by Bonnie Webber: The Reviewers & the Reviewed: Institutional Memory & Institutional Incentives

10:00 💬🗨 Gathertown Poster session 1:

11:30 🗣️ Invited talk by @zacharylipton: Some Results on Label Shift & Label Noise

12:30 🖇 Thematic session: insights from negative results in translation

14:00 🗣️ Invited talk by @rctatman: Chatbots can be good: What we learn from unhappy users

15:30 💬🗨 Gathertown Poster session 2:

16:30 🖇 Thematic session: insights from negative results for BERT

17:00 🗣️ Invited talk by @nlpnoah: What Makes a Result Negative?

The zoom link for the invited talks and oral sessions is on the underline page. But that page is fairly useless as a schedule, so our program has direct links to all pre-recorded underline videos AND papers on aclanthology.

Also, exciting news: this year Insights will have a best negative result paper award 🏆! The winner will be announced tomorrow, stay tuned.

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