Angry Staff Officer Profile picture
History person, Army officer, transplanted Buckeye. Writes stuff. Some Star Wars. One half of @warstoriescast. Views do not reflect or represent the DoD's.

Nov 10, 2021, 7 tweets

Well, well, what have we here: a Georgia militia brigade in 1874...parading under rebel colors.

Apparently not the first time they did this, either, notes the Army-Navy Journal of 1874

Oh, this is FIRE. Pointing out that, yo, these people are armed and equipped by the United States, according to the laws of the US, which they seem to be having difficulty following

Ah, that moment when complacent northerners are beginning to wonder if MAYBE they weren't harsh enough as the Lost Cause comes rumbling along

The "Yo, you wanted to fight, we fought, we won, get over it" argument that was very common in the north, not realizing that the rebellion was still very much alive even tho every traitor army had been soundly defeated

It's almost cute how these guys thought that bygones would just be bygones if they were gracious in victory. NOPE. The traitors simply discarded their uniforms, swore another useless oath, and went about achieving their aims with terrorism and politics

It's not until the turn of the century that US Army veterans of the Civil War realize that they had lost the peace - that even northern textbooks were aping the lies of the Lost Cause myth.…

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