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Brothers, Sisters, We STILL Don't Need this Fascist Groove Thing! Citizen journalist. No More Heroes. Nazi Punks Fuck Off

Nov 10, 2021, 25 tweets

Anonymous Comrades Collective @AnonComrades reporting for duty, Big ups to @161partisan and @utah161. @anonymouscommie RIP pending appeal!

Good evening to everybody except 28 year old Allison Richard Peirce IV aka “Jack”/ “Ajax”/ “AjaxPrice88”/ Jack Richardson, and other aliasesfrom Brownsburg, Indiana. He was a key Identity Evropa organizer for the violent Nazi Unite the Right march in August 2017 #identifyevrop

Full dossier on Allison Richard “Jack” Peirce IV aka Ajax at @AnonComrades blog…

Allison “Jack” Peirce IV aka Ajax can be seen in the header for the Twitter account for defunct Neo-Nazi organization Identity Evropa’s Indiana chapter.

Allison “Jack” Peirce IV aka Ajax proudly posing with fellow Identity Evropa Nazis at the NPI conference in November 2016..

Allison Richard Peirce IV can be seem proudly waving the Identity Evropa flag at the so-called “Free Speech” rally in DC alongside members of Vanguard America and Traditionalist Workers Party in June 2017.

Allison “Jack" Peirce (note proper spelling) successfully avoided service so was not deposed in the current proceedings regarding the Unite the Right Rally.

Researchers had previously identified Allison Peirce IV with correct name spelling but for some reason he has managed to evade accountability

As “Jack Pierce” he liaised with the Charlottesville police department. In a sworn statement from Detective Sergeant Newberry, he was identified using a misspelled version of his real name. His correct name is Allison Richard “Jack” Peirce IV and he lives in Brownsburg, Indiana.

According to this statement, Charlottesville police felt they had “been duped by Mr. Pierce and that the speakers had never intended to cooperate with the security plan they had agreed to.” According to the cops, the UTR organizers “have no intention of this going well.”

The full statement regarding Allison Richard Peirce IV aka Jack Pierce.…

Neo-Nazi Allison Peirce IV was involved in “security” planning as a representative of Identity Evropa and was part of Richard Spencer’s personal security detail. You have to watch this special remix video excerpt from the "AltRight: Age of Rage"documentary! FAIR USE!!!!

Here we see Allison “Jack” Peirce IV give up his seat in Richard Spencer’s SUV to make room for David Duke in the midst of the UTR chaos.

Nazi stooge Allison “Jack” Peirce IV of Brownsburg, Indiana returned to Charlottesville on October 7, 2017 to march alongside Richard Spencer for a really ill-considered flash mob style torch march. Photos by @Jalane_Schmidt

More info on this absolutely embarrassing follow-up event here

Under his google handle AjaxPrice88, Allison “Jack” Peirce left a review for disgraced altright lawyer Kyle Bristow. LOL. For the uninitiated the number 88 is Nazi dork secret code for Heil Hitler.

Allison “Jack” Peirce IV got married in 2018. While we are not naming or specifically implicating his wife at this juncture, note that she used her wedding photos to troll with an “OK” symbol associated w/ white nationalists. It's highly unlikely she was unaware of his activities

It's not really a Nazi dox until they publicly trash their own family! Should be a nice family thanksgiving with the Peirces!

Allison "Jack" Peirce IV of Brownsburg, Indiana even has a Nazi Pinterest board!👀

Allison "Jack" Peirce was an active Nazi propagandist for Identity Evropa and Richard Spencer toadie.

Nazi goober Allison Peirce IV of Brownsburg, Indiana aka Ajax.

Putting this doofus in charge of security at a violent Nazi rally? What could go wrong?

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