Suzanne Nielsen PhD MPS Profile picture
A/Prof & Deputy Director, @MonashAddiction Research Centre | Pharmacist | Passionate about reducing drug-related harm

Nov 10, 2021, 8 tweets

Last session for me today at @APSAD40 on prescription opioids, treatment, and prescription drug monitoring programs. First up - a mini-symposium with @PPrathivadi , @LouisaPicco and @Sarah_Haines_ .. lets see if I can pull out a few key findings 1/

2/ First up @PPrathivadi talking about GPs use of PDMP, benefits for informing prescribing but challenges with reluctance to use technology - also check out this super commentary with @Sarah_Haines_ in the @AusJPrimHealth on evaluation considerations

3/ Next is @LouisaPicco talking about implementation of prescription monitoring with #pharmacists. Alerts seem to really drive responses (over other clinical risk factors).. are automatic alerts replacing clinical judgement? Conclusion: PDMP should not replace clinical decisions

4/ @Sarah_Haines_ raises issue of stigma and other potential negative impacts of PDMPs on the consumer - powerful quotes from consumers. This is a critical implementation issue to address to avoid unintended consequences

5/ Fantastic presentation by @Ria_Hopkins at #apsad40 unpacking some of the challenges consumers are having accessing #opioids for chronic pain - around one in three reported difficulties accessing opioids for pain. Involuntary cessation is a huge concern.

6/ @DanWinter_AU (University of Sydney) presented on driving on Opioid Agonist Treatment .. around 3 in 10 drive, but that is higher in regional areas. Need for a careful balance with safety without unduly targeting those on treatment

7/ Isabella Natale (@BarwonHealth) why do 20% of people in OAT decline naloxone? Barriers include assuming it wont 'happen to me', facilitators include the opportunity to save friends lives (empowerment)

8/ Last but not least, Dr Martyn Lloyd (@AlfredHealth) case studies of injectable buprenorphine during inpatient admissions - conclusions supporting that long acting #buprenorphine has some key advantages, especially during a pandemic!

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