Dennis S Brotman 🇺🇸 🟧🟦 #DemCast #DemCastGA ☮️ Profile picture
The Constitution Is Our Common Commitment To Human Rights. We The People. No one can take away our rights. Retired Civil Trial Lawyer #BidenHarris4More

Nov 10, 2021, 13 tweets

Rittenhouse /3 gave his bullet-proof vest to someone.
He bought his rifle and a scope that day, 10/25.
“YellowPants Guy said to me, ‘You pointed your laser rifle at me.’”
No objection to a statement by an unidentified 3rd party, unrelated to the victims.

Rittenhouse /4 suddenly breaks into tears after testifying confidently in a relaxed way.
He cries &sobs on witness stand,at length, until judge announces a break in the trial w/o request and w/o objection.
Rittenhouse testified to Rosenbaum threatening him and “ambushing” him.

Rittenhouse /5 gasps &is unable to speak. His Mom is in the gallery breaking into sobs &being consoled by his sister.
The jury will have difficulty sending this child to prison,killer or not.
Rittenhouse testified Rosenbaum threatened to kill him twice,but he never saw him before

Rittenhouse /6 testifies Rosenbaum threatened to “get” him, rushed at him. He “remembers” Rosenbaum grabbing the end of his rifle, not explaining how he managed to aim it at Rosenbaum’s chest.
He claims to try to help Rosenbaum.

Rittenhouse /7 testifies Huber struck him with a skateboard like swinging a bat, on his neck.
He shot Huber while seated on the road.
He testifies Gaige Grosskreutz approached him with a hand gun pointed at his head, so he shot him.

Rittenhouse /8 testifies his friend bought him his rifle and he was allowed to possess it. Prosecutor is not permitted to ask if Rittenhouse knew it was illegal to bring an AR-15 into Wisconsin
Judge rules what defendant believes is the gun law of Wisconsin is irrelevant.

Rittenhouse /9
Judge tells jury the court will instruct the jury on the law of Wisconsin on possession of an AR-15 by a 17 year old.
Rittenhouse agrees he chose to buy an AR-15 because it looks cool.

Rittenhouse /10
Judge becomes testy with prosecutor when cross examination becomes effective. Accuses prosecutor of testifying although that is the methodology of defense counsel.
Prosecution is precluded from asking about intentions to protect property using an AR-15.

Rittenhouse /11 is becoming a champion of White Power vigilantism.

Rittenhouse /12
Judge Schroeder appears to do his best to take this case away from the state.

As Kyle Rittenhouse trial nears end, judge’s decisions from the bench come under scrutiny

No questioning about defendant’s motivations are strictly limited…

Rittenhouse /13
No one has asked Rittenhouse—Why did you shoot Rosenbaum the second time?
Why did you shoot him the third time?
Why did you shoot him the fourth time?

The fatal wound was the first shot, which immediately disabled Rosenbaum and sent him to the ground.

Rittenhouse 1/14
Rittenhouse had just shot Joseph Rosenbaum four times, three after he was on the ground

Why did Rittenhouse shoot Huber in the torso?

Rittenhouse /15

Gaige Grosskreutz, Rittenhouse’s third victim, a medic, had both his hands in the air when he was shot. He held a gun in one hand.
Grosskreutz thought he was going to die.

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