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#지민: “Know that the pain will pass. And when it does, you'll be stronger” ♡ ☔Still with you enthusiast☔

Nov 10, 2021, 45 tweets

Happiness is Seokjin going •ᴗ• ; A needed thread

I'm emotionally attached to this Seokjin going •ᴗ•

seokjin looking at the camera and softly going •ᴗ•

Seokjin going •ᴗ• can easily make your day better

He's the cutest!

seokjin steaming his bread cheeks and going •ᴗ•

Crying 😭

He's so adorable 😭

seokjin going ·ᴗ· is free therapy

I love him so much that it hurts 😭


when his bread cheeks pop up •ᴗ•

Cutest habit of Seokjin 🥺


Why is he so cute?🥺

seokjin spotting the camera and going •ᴗ•

Seokjin going •ᴗ• can take all your worries away

he never fails to make me happy

Jin going from :< to •ᴗ•

seokjin going •ᴗ• is my favorite thing in the world

Ending the thread with this compilation 😭

you can follow me, I make fun threads <33

@Suki_kimtae @bts07forlife helloo🥺🥺

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