Graham 🏴 Use ALT Profile picture
All opinions plagiarised. He/him

Nov 10, 2021, 6 tweets

The violently cruel reality of meat & dairy is out of sight . . .
Call me an optimist with too much faith in humanity, but I believe that If people actually chose to look at this reality many, possibly most would choose not to pay for it.

It’s the deliberate & wilful refusal of some to educate themselves that gets me;
“I can’t watch that, it’s too upsetting”

As if you have a right to be protected from the harm you pay for. You don’t. You are culpable- no demand, no supply. You’re unnecessary consumer choices cause this abuse, therefore you are by default an abuser.

When looked at objectively, it’s cowardly behaviour that belies a level of grossly arrogant self-entitlement. - as if your desire not to experience uncomfortable emotions should be prioritised over the actual pain, distress, suffering & murder of a real living animal.

“My avoidance of distress is the important thing here” No it’s not, it’s really not.

Please consider this:
Do you want needless violence carried out in your name?
Do you want to be paying for unnecessary violent abuse of beautiful fellow animal citizens?
You don’t have to.

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