Ned Pyle Profile picture
Principal PM. Former USMC 0341. Chicago Tavern style. You may know me from SMB, SR, SMS, DFSR, & AD. Or not. I'm me, not my employer. Be anti-racist

Nov 11, 2021, 13 tweets

“The sun came out and stayed out today! Time for walkies thread!”

“Dad brought real chicken treatos”

“Darby you are embarrassing us with that drool lol”

“Hey Darby did you glue my cards together? I can’t deal with this”

“We found lots of great leafs today!”

Oooh nice

A tiny park

“This wall has tiny arts!”

A metal chicken

‘Capitol Hill can SUCK IT’

- my knees

Yeah that’s never getting finished, long suffering spouse. Never

“We really like how much dad likes the autumn colors even if we don’t see them as well. His happiness is our happiness”

“That’s today’s walkies, we hope you liked them. Mom says something big is happening tomorrow, what could it be? Stay tuned!”

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