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Nov 11, 2021, 6 tweets

🚢 Where do ships go to die?

🇧🇩 Many end up in Bangladesh, where about 1 in every 5 are scrapped.

⚠️ But there are major concerns over environmental and working conditions.

♻️Here’s how shipyards in Bangladesh are planning to become greener and safer. 👇

☣️ When ships are scrapped, toxic materials like asbestos and lead, as well as ozone-depleting emissions, are released.

⚠️ Workers also fear gas explosions, falling from a height or being hit by ship parts. Just in August and September, 8 workers died.…

📝But the Bangladesh government has ordered yard-owners to clean up their act by 2023

🦺Under the new standards, workers will be trained on safety issues

🏗️They will also need to build toxic waste storage, and ensure ships carry a list of hazardous materials used in their parts

⏳So far, only 1 shipyard out of 80 in Bangladesh has cleaned up its practices. Many others say they’re struggling to afford the high costs of reform.…

⚓ Read more about how shipyards in Bangladesh are racing to make a cleaner, safer future. 👇…

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