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Nov 11, 2021, 11 tweets

Army veteran Mark Mullins and wife Helen in suicide pact after 12 mile walks to foodbank

2. Diabetic ex-soldier starved & couldn't keep insulin cold in fridge

3. Forced onto the Work Programme, Sheila became ill and died without regaining consciousness.

5. Karen was assessed as 'fit for work'. Notified she had won her appeal 10 days before her death

4. A rare terminal cancer left David blind, but DWP still classed him as 'fit for work'

6. Multiple transplant patient Linda scored 0 pts in WCA & was declared 'fit for work'. She died 9 days later

7. Robert was too sick to appeal a 'fit for work' decision. He died penniless.

8. Brian was found 'fit for work'. He died of a heart attack the day after his benefits were stopped

9. Cecilia was declared 'fit for work'. Her benefits were only restored a few weeks before her death

10. A physio assessed Tim's mental health & declared him fit for work. He hanged himself

11. Stephen Smith was declared 'fit for work' by the DWP despite being terminally ill and weighing 5 stone. He died while appealing his stopped benefits from his hospital bed. The DWP apologised to his family.

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