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#지민: “Know that the pain will pass. And when it does, you'll be stronger” ♡ ☔Still with you enthusiast☔

Nov 11, 2021, 44 tweets

Therapy is expensive but Jimin eating in tiny is free ; A devastating thread

jimin eating icecream in tiny 🥺

jimin eating a burger

jimin eating his sandwich and sipping his juice in tiny 🥺

tiny jimin in his adorable lil beret eating melon 🥺

He's so cute 😩

Baby 🥺


Jimin eating ice cream, getting a little brain freeze but still eating that icecream 😩

Please protect this baby


Jimin in a ponytail 🥺🥺


Jimin eating bread in tiny

Jimin eating spicy ramen, his reaction after that 😩😭

Jimin eating pizza adorably

Jimin eating ramen 🥺

look at his cheeks 😭

Why is he so cute?!

jimin eating a banana 🥺

jimin eating is the cutest thing ever

Jimin eating the icing of the cake in tiny


End of the thread 🥺

You can follow me if you want, I make threads twitter.com/i/events/14373…

Jimin plalylist (ptd focused)

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