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Nov 11, 2021, 10 tweets

Speaking to a room of veterans, Lauren Boebert compares her role as a congresswoman “fighting” for freedom to veterans who “have fought to keep us free.”

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Lauren Boebert told the group of veterans that it isn’t her role to keep them healthy, but if it was she would make sure they had gym memberships.

Lauren Boebert told veterans that it isn’t her role to keep them safe, but if it was she wouldn’t let them drive a car.

Lauren Bobert said, “our nation is in the hands of people who do not cherish and love it” like veterans do.

At the veterans event, Lauren Boebert claimed the founding fathers fought the Revolutionary War for “11 years.”

Fact check: The war lasted 8 years and 4 months.

Lauren Boebert said, “there are many women who don’t feel safe” going to counseling because they could end up with a transgendered person who “may have been born Alex, but are now Alexa.”

The bigotry didn’t stop there.

Lauren Boebert believes “the American people are being punished because of a Fauci-funded Chinese virus.”

Lauren Boebert thinks schools have kids “masked and bound” in response to covid.

Lauren Boebert declares she is “not anti-vax” and “not anti-any medical procedure,” just “anti-medical mandates.”

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