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Nov 11, 2021, 10 tweets

Kyle Rittenhouse, now 18, is on trial for killing two men and wounding a third with a military-style rifle during protests over the police shooting of Jacob Blake last year in Kenosha, Wisconsin 1/10

Here's a look at how things unfolded that day 👇. The following is based on court testimony, drone footage and videos from Aug. 25, 2020 2/10

During the day, Rittenhouse helps clean graffiti off a school. That same day Joseph Rosenbaum, 36, is released from a Milwaukee hospital where he had been admitted after a suicide attempt 3/10

Around 10 p.m., video shows Rittenhouse with a rifle standing with other armed men near a used-car dealership. Rittenhouse testified he was asked to help guard the business due to the threat of looting and arson 4/10

Around 10:45 p.m., another video shows Rittenhouse asking police officers for water. One officer says: 'We appreciate you guys. We really do’ 5/10

Around 11:45 p.m. Rosenbaum chases Rittenhouse into a used-car lot as Rittenhouse yells ‘Friendly, friendly, friendly.’ Rosenbaum throws a plastic bag containing toiletries at Rittenhouse 6/10

Just minutes later, after stumbling to the ground, Rittenhouse fatally shoots Anthony Huber, a 26-year-old who swung a skateboard at him 7/10

After Huber was shot, Gaige Grosskreutz stops moving toward Rittenhouse and put his hands in the air. He was holding a handgun. When Grosskreutz resumes advancing, Rittenhouse shoots him, severing most of his bicep 8/10

Rittenhouse walks toward police with his hands up and the rifle slung across his body. Police order him to get out of the way, one officer pepper sprays Rittenhouse when he approaches the window of the car.

Police then drive off, believing the active shooter was elsewhere 9/10

At around 1:30 a.m. on Aug. 26, Rittenhouse, accompanied by his mother, turns himself into a police station in his hometown of Antioch, Illinois

Key moments in the U.S. murder trial of Kyle Rittenhouse 10/10

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