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Nov 11, 2021, 36 tweets

1. Gobby Esther Rantzen is just asking for a thread. Happy to oblige. She went out with Nicholas Fairburn - a paedophile #pedophile #Ester #EstherRantzen…

2. Esther acted all innocent and shocked when it became public - a familiar pattern for Esther... #esterrantzen #esther…

3. Esther Rantzen was at the same party as Ben Fellows when as a teenager, former child actor was given drugs, alcohol and was propositioned by men and women all night. #Estherantzen #benfellows…

4. Esther Rantzen founded Childline in 1986 supposedly a helpline specifically for children in danger or distress. However some people feel Esther is an enabler of paedophiles. Shy Keenan told Esther about Jim Savile but she did nothing... #estherrantzen…

5. Esther Rantzen played innocent and denied all knowledge that she has been told about Jimmy Savile, Gary Glitter and Jonathan King were paedophiles in 1986. #estherrantzen #jimmysavile #savile #bbc #csa…

6. Indeed Esther Rantzen innocently could not even remember meeting Shy Keenan, the founder of the Phoenix Survivors charity. The photo is Esther and Shy... #shykeenan #estherrantzen #csa #childabuse #pedophilia

7. Esther Rantzen said she had been fooled by Jimmy Savile #JimmySavile #EstherRantzen #pedophile #pedophile #childabuse…

8. Yet many in the BBC had heard rumours and Esther, admits that SHE heard rumours about Jimmy Savile yet did nothing, even as the founder of child abuse phone line Childline... #childline #bbc #estherrantzen #savile #jimmysavile…

9. Here is Esther Rantzen squirming about how she did nothing about Jimmy Savile as it was "irrelevant" and "gossip", and how it was the publics fault as much as hers... Hypocrisy Of Esther Rantzen #EstherRantzen #childabuse #childline #savile #JimmySavile

10. Robert Gillings was convicted of an assault on a 5 year old at the notoriously innocent Esther Rantzens New Forest house. She was not there. He was cleared of a similar incident in Rantzens changing room. #RobertGillings #EstherRantzen…

11. Esther Rantzen also knew Mark aka Alex Standish had child abuse material, as she investigated complaints via childline about Crookham Court School, where he was a teacher... he was one of four later convicted #MarkStandish #childabuse #CrookhamCourt…

12. Chris Spivey tells how she sued a newspaper for libel and won that she did not make false claims to Editor of The People, to stop him publishing story linking her to suspected pervert Alex Standish. She says she only tried to stop him as it would...…

13. it would have stopped the police investigation. So she knew, but still didnt tell the school that the paedophile moved to... asked 3 times would she say to parents, if, as a result of her inaction, a child had been abused, she would not answer.…

14. Researcher Scott Hardie for Esther Rantzens "Thats Life" knew about gay Tory Ministers who were linked to underage boys. This was important gay scandal as Prime Minster John Major had launched "Back to Basics" campaign of morals. Many gay ministers were sexually hypocritical

15. Gays in 1994 perhaps understandably were reticent to come out compared with today and many were covert. However it is important to learn about the gay network links to understand what else was happening. Scallywag21 #scallywag

16. Within the gay network of MPs rent boys were said to be being used.. . #scallywag #portillo #lilley #justinfashanu #MPs

17. There were also other high level Tory MP connections to paedophiles... Scallywag 22 . #scallywag #portillo #lilley #mcalpine

18. So Esthers Rantzen's researcher knew the outline of the scandal but somehow Esther again managed to miss the paedophile targets... #estherrantzen #MPs #MPpaedophilenetwork #ChildAbuse

19. Time to realise who is Esther Rantzen #EstherRantzen…

20. Dame Esther Rantzen 10 FACTS #EstherRantzen #childabuse #childline…

21. Shaun Woodward cofounded childline with Rantzen and Sarah Caplin, her cousin, married to Nick Ross. Woodward is in Epsteins black book. #epstein #shaunwoodward #estherrantzen #nickross #sarahcaplin…

22. For a long time Esther would not admit that Savile was a paedophile, but then finally had to admit that they blocked their ears and 'We colluded with him as a child abuser" #savile #estherrantzen…

23.ChildLine now has twelve bases around the UK.
In 2006 ChildLine merged with the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC), which has enabled it to expand to try to meet demand. #NSPCC…

24. Ken Clarke, Esther Rantzen, Ken Clarke, Kray Twins and more…

25. In 2015 Esther Rantzen was made a Dame for services to children and older people through ChildLine and The Silver Line. That reminds me that Jimmy Savile and other pedophiles were knighted. Its almost a reward for services rendered... #DameEsther #EsterRantzen

26. Silver Line is a "childline" for the old... trying to resurrect her plummeting reputation to become champion of the old... #Silverline…

27. So it may come as a surprise that Esther thought that old people should not bother the NHS if they have covid... #EstherRantzen #NHS #Silverline #EstherRancid

28. But Esther says she is is a "human being" and "a series of functions" and is not introspective... #estherrantzen

29. But as Victor Lewis Smith said in 2001 "there is a yawning chasm between the image she presents to her public and what appears to me to be a deep seated contempt for them" #EstherRantzen

30. Esther Rantzen

31. Esther Rantzen Jimmy Savile #EstherRantzen

32. Esther rancid Esther Rantzen #estherrantzen


33. She would say that after all that is in this thread "Ex-BBC presenter Esther Rantzen says stars have right to privacy after newsreader is named " … #estherrantzen…

34. @reSeeIt save thread on Esther Rantzen

@reSeeIt 35. Reseeit saved thread on Esther Rantzen…

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