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Nov 12, 2021, 8 tweets

here's a fascinating vintage Swiss washing machine that uses punch cards to program the wash cycle!

"For my laundry, I prefer Schulthess." she's holding the punch cards that she used to select a particular type of wash cycle. i wonder if anyone ever tried to custom make one of these cards... 🤔

turns out the company is still around, and still making washing machines! i suppose you need one of these if you want your clothes to be Swiss Clean™

aren't these just lovely? 😍

another vintage Schulthess ad.


the top row of sprocket holes are used to draw the card into the reader and pull it along using a low-speed motor/timer. the holes and slots control switch contacts that activate the various functions of the washer--the valves, motor, and perhaps solenoids.

it is more common for a washer to have a control unit like this, with fixed cams that open and close switch contacts. incredibly, in 2021, many washers *still* use this type of mechanism.

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