Priti Gandhi (Modi ka Parivar) Profile picture
BJP Karyakarta.

Nov 12, 2021, 8 tweets

A Wikileaks cable revealed that @RahulGandhi first termed the Mecca Masjid b!ast as #HindutvaTerror in 2010 before the United States Ambassador.

NIA court eventually acquitted all 5 accused, including Swami Aseemanand, in the 2007 Mecca Masjid b!ast case.


Rahul Gandhi was repeatedly questioned by Media to comment on the Hyderabad B!asts verdict & why he called it #HindutvaTerror, but he ignored any questions on the matter. Until date, he has not bothered to give any explanation for his dangerous, irresponsible remark.


On August 25, 2010, @PChidambaram_IN urged Indians to beware of #HindutvaTerror at an official meeting of State Police Chiefs in New Delhi.


“The RSS & BJP were behind the Samjhauta Express, Mecca Masjid & Malegaon b!asts” declared #CommunalCongress Union Home Minister Sushil Kumar Shinde back in January 20, 2013, accusing that the training camps run by the RSS & BJP were promoting #HindutvaTerror


. @salman7khurshid & @digvijaya_28 used the #HindutvaTerror theory several times, defiantly, unabated.

Interestingly, all accusations they made are only a figment of their imagination because they never had any evidence to back their claims. They just built a fake narrative.

How can we forget this absolutely shameless, dangerous attempt to derail the 26/11 Mumbai b!asts investigation by Digvijaya Singh who falsely accused the RSS of a #HindutvaTerror conspiracy that was actually hatched & executed by the ISI in Pakistan??


And here we have Senior Congress leader, the former Chief Minister of Karnataka @siddaramaiah peddling the #HindutvaTerror bogie!!!



Entire #HindutvaTerror narrative was systematically built over several years to keep the nation divided & weak. Continous hammering was done by top Congress leaders. They blatently misused their august offices & constitutional positions to mislead the nation. No more!!


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