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Nov 12, 2021, 69 tweets

#yumarkau #yumark au where yandere!yuta finally finds the love of his life in one mark lee, sad thing is that mark has no idea who he is.

the title for this was "some people hide better than others" and idk but that's a perfect summary of this lmao

this will be a comedy but also will contain murder but not like too graphic just like someone is dead kinda stuff. other members won’t really be in this just in the background

their love is kinda dubious n not normal. they’re both unstable so just keep that in mind when reading. This is not romanticising any of these themes it's just for fun and not meant to be taken seriously.

this will be nsfw and triggering at points but there will be warnings beforehand. Also lots of writing! It's just so lots of points are made but this will be way more writing than my other aus

What format would you like the writing to be?

Also!!! Any real places that are mentioned and the things that are said or happen to them are fictional!! I am not trying to represent these places it's just convenient lol.

I'll start this tomorrow so look forward to it uwu!!

001. i’m sorry this starts with writing but i think it has to

002. 🎶 i always feel like somebody’s watching me 🎶

003. innocent taemin smh

004. i said there was a lot of writing and there is insert crying emoji

005. taemin shall be spared

006. even more writing dear god i’m sorry

007. my phone keeps autocorrecting taemin to garmin wtf is that

008. more writing pls i’m sorry

009. i went to my college for the second time this whole semester for a lecture n i fr saw two of my classmates fucking around in front of me worst experience ever.

that’s all for today sorry if you’re annoyed with all the writing or it’s boring. send your complaints here lol…

010. next class and yuta is NOT happy

011. yuta does not like people who don’t understand what no means! and you should too!

012. yuta “subtle” jealousy nice

013. subtle nod to advice even tho I don't like the song but stream it if you like it!

014. tw: sexual assault. let’s imagine yuta deleted those last two right after he posted them. idk lol just pretend

015. Not Yuta losing his mind with her contact name lmfao

016. taemin good boy yuta actor

017. bazinga

018. yuta has now realized taemin is even more valuable

019. cute?

leave smth or not?…

020. ,,,stalker

021. ,,,weird

022. tuts trying to act like he’s not the reason that girls missing smh

023. they’re partners! celebrate owo

024. i’ve made yuta a simp again and honestly it might as well be canon

025. yutas me trying to be a normal person but without the homicidal tendencies. spelt homicidal as homocidal and idk that’s also very accurate.

026. omgg date

027. the project is done and omg they’re dating!!!

wow things sure are going great for yumark!…

028. not.

029. mark is starting to show his true colors even more

030. play toxic by britney spears

031. the complete 180 did it for me

032. yutas acting has gotten phenomenal proud of him

033. I wanna clarify that it may seem like Yuta's saying he wants to game end himself but that's not the case. He says no promises because he's unsure if he'll have to remove the problem directly or not with time. Just thought I'd clarify owo

034. damnnn poor guy ig

035. i’d put tw abuse but it’s not not even close lol at least to them

036. me looking for a mean bf but then realizing i’ll want to be dom instead smh

037. does mark know?

038. this is not hyunjin from skz dw

039. they are making progress

040. i have made taemin blissfully unaware of his surroundings but its just canon. there’s that one time there was a “fire” at keys house n taemin just sat there gaming while the room filled with smoke ugh a legend

no cc cause no one uses it lol n i’m too tired to get the link so here’s a gif of sonic w japanese text

041. a shame. truly disappointing.

042. yuta was like imma get that date idgaf

043. ugh worried taemin lesgo

044. they finally date

045. marks okay with it nice to see two psychos find love ig

046. yuta is not the dom he thought he was smh

047. i feel bad for anyone actually reading this au cause it’s like all writing

048. uh oh

049. mark just girlbossed him yes go queen


051. mark is sir. second date btw 🥰

052. bruises.

053. 🔞 UM THIS IS PORN SO LIKE LOOK AWAY IF YOU DONT LIKE. this is their third date btw 🥰


055. finale!!! I was gonna write a porn scene but then I was like okay but how about no. So I didn't!!

056. I agree with Johnny tf

it’s FUCKING DONE OMFG this was a rollercoaster tbh i finished it in like two days n then i sat there everyday like man… but whatever!! i really liked this hope you did as well uwu

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