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Nov 12, 2021, 13 tweets

"I'm very proud that the three of us have managed to establish that bond together."…

It's somehow been 10 years of the British girl band @LittleMix! So, we caught up with Perrie Edwards, Leigh-Anne Pinnock, and Jade Thirlwall to talk about their new album, fave throwback collabs, and how they once got bribed with free chicken into releasing a certain single.

Describe this #BetweenUs in three words.
Leigh-Anne: Iconic.

Jade: Celebration.

Perrie: Oh, celebration's a good one! Maybe journey, because it's literally the Little Mix back catalog. The journey of our careers.

What was the inspiration behind the new tracks?
Perrie: "Between Us" — I like how Jade describes it, as a love song to each other. It's about our friendship, our sisterhood, about the love we have for each other, how in sync we are, how much we have been through.

"No" — we are very strong-minded, business-savvy women. But a lot of the time, in the past and in the industry, we have been yes people. It's shit to admit, but there are times where people have walked over us...And we decided to write a song about saying no for a change.

"Cut You Off" is about someone who's really toxic in your life and you don't want anymore. We actually went to therapy as a group, which we think is really, really helpful. We got told to envision the people that are negative in our lives and the people who don't make us feel..

...very good about ourselves. And we imagined big scissors to cut people off — and then Jade came up with the concept to make it into a song, which I thought was really freaking cool.

Are there any tracks you would have done differently now?
Leigh-Anne: I don't regret them, because they all served their purpose. But I wouldn't have gone for "Change Your Life," personally. But I do love how it had a positive impact on a lot of people.

Jade: I don't remember if it was Nando's, but we basically got bribed with a free meal into [releasing] "Change Your Life" as a single.

Perrie: I bet they thought, "I know how to announce the news to them: Let's feed them loads of chicken and then it will go down well."

What was your favorite memory from working w/ Machine Gun Kelly?
Leigh-Anne: Actually, one of our fave collabs that we've done. We've collabed with amazing people, but we were just obsessed with his rap from the first time we listened to it. It took the song to another level.

Leigh-Anne and Perrie, how has becoming parents affected your approach to music, if at all?

Leigh-Anne: I can't wait to get back in the studio and write about them.

Perrie: They've put things in perspective, and you listen to music differently — which is weird.

What do you hope for from the next year? What will this iteration of Little Mix look like?

Perrie: I just can't wait to get on tour: seeing all the fans, performing, I miss it so much. I just want to sing, dance, be around everybody, and have the team back together.

Read the entire interview with #LittleMix:…

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