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Nov 13, 2021, 7 tweets

Devolution is working with Counties like Turkana and am sad to say that, in a few years they will be among the top Counties in development. Currently way ahead of Kakamega & Bungoma’s a lot of opportunities here #IsuzuDelivers

Opportunities that are available in Turkana include investments in:
1. Manufacturing
2. Logistics
3. Security
4. Real Estate
5. Healthcare
6. Education
7. Courier 🚚
8. Environmental aspects #IsuzuDelivers

The biggest opportunities available in Turkana are investments in:

1. New Age Agriculture technology to deal famine & drought. We can learn from Israel 🇮🇱 & Dubai

2. Tourism & Culture. It’s a beautiful place with key historic background #IsuzuDelivers

River Nile passes through the Town of Turkana and it’s very beautiful. It creates massive opportunities for those with money and a keen eye 👁. The hills of Turkana create an amazing scene #IsuzuDelivers

International development partners have a serious presence here. But what’s amazing is the amount of money & support that @IsuzuKenya has pumped into the TTK Caravan & Turkana County. 42M and counting #IsuzuDelivers @ItsMainaKageni

Another opportunity that deserves its own tweet is investment in communications. 4G is available & strong. Investments in Fibre and data analytics is core to ensure that the region is not left behind but fully connected to the national grid for Comms #IsuzuDelivers

In 9 years of Devolution, Turkana has made serious leaps despite the challenges facing them in food security. Counties like Bungoma have nothing to show for it. Only theft & Corruption. I applaud the leadership of Turkana @TurkanaCountyKE for the good work #IsuzuDelivers

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