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New translation of Suetonius out now! Dinosaur lover. ‘A leading English cricketer' - The Times. Podcast: @theresthistory

Nov 13, 2021, 14 tweets

Only 45 minutes to go now until kick off in @TheRestHistory #KingsAndQueensWorldCup!!!!

Full details of what is undoubtedly the biggest sports tournament of the year here:

Great to see the fans getting in the spirit!

A huge sense of excitement in the air!

Let's hope for a tournament full of classic matches, stirring performances, & right royal knees ups!

And may the best king, or queen, or lord protector win...


Very disappointing.


So no real upsets in the first round of the #KingsAndQueensWorldCup. All the seeds are through. Those monarchs going through to the quarter-finals are:

Elizabeth I
Elizabeth II
Henry V
William the Conqueror

A particularly good day for fans of Elizabeths.

I think this is true. There was obviously huge disappointment in the Windsor camp when Prince Philip was knocked out in the first round of the World Cup of Gods - but this a tournament that is very much being played on the Queen’s home turf

Anyway, all eyes now will be on the second round of the Super Sixteens. Can any of the non-seeded monarchs cause an episode? How will the tournament’s most controversial entrant, Oliver Cromwell, do?

@TheRestHistory for all the action.

Kick off at 10! #WorldCupOfKingsAndQueens

And here it is - kick-off in today's round of the Super Sixteen!

The Classico

Strictly neutral in this one...

A man who chopped off the heads of his wives vs a man who collected stamps

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