Sarah Phillimore Profile picture
Mit der Dummheit kämpfen Götter selbst vergebens. Family lawyer. Hoarder of Rights. All views my own and protected by Article 10 ECHR.

Nov 13, 2021, 6 tweets

So now it’s a ‘binder outreach service’ @LushLtd ? Does your head office have any idea what your Paddington store is doing? Well, the local children’s safeguarding boards soon will.

So your Paddington store is going to be cemented as an ‘ongoing’ service to children? I would be interested to see your risk and safeguarding assessments, which I am sure exist <cough>

As you claim to be the ‘only’ such service and have been providing binders to persons of age unspecified since at least June, then I assume your safeguarding assessment is a model of its kind that you can share for the benefit of others?

And where are the accounts please? As you aren’t doing any of this for free. How much money are you making and what are you doing with it?

So just exactly what risks to physical safety do you accept exist with use of binders? What is your process for assessment of child competence for any consumers under 16?

How many children using your service have experienced this?

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