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எதற்கும் துணிந்தவன் 💙❤️🖤 | Fact Checker | Misinfo Reaper | Comrade ❤️ | Dravidian 🥰✨| My Brand : #DharunReports

Nov 14, 2021, 8 tweets

Same im asking... How do you say it is pre-historic religion ? If it is prehistoric religion , there must be proof that there is an religion as x,y,z religion. If there is no evidence , you don't have rights to speak religious thoughts or ideology (1)

What you have said ? Pre historic religion is hindu ? Who said ? My dear sangi... Our ancient times people used to say " மதமா 🤔? அப்படினா ? செத்த பயலே , நாரபயலே " . They have only common sense to what have to eat and what should not. Dont addict to conversion 😂 (2)

Ancient people dont have any idea about Gods . Note : " In any religion " . And they're atheist by nature. (3)

😂😂Your religion is Baby to Tamil Language my dear ❤️. (4)

Tholkappiyam is the most oldest book ( writter format ) but Sankrit is just an spoken language . (5)

🤭🤭🤭BBC got angry because some Some Nationalist Groups which means RSS spreaded ' Tamil is derived from Sanskrit ' . As I said before , You guys think before you speak. (6)

Finally i want to convey one thing to you. RSS & BJP likes HINDUISM , But Tamil says " எம்மதமும் சம்மதமாகும்
தமிழ் வரமாகும் தமிழ் உரமாகும்
இந்த உலகாகும்..எங்கள் உறவாகும் " ❤️. (7)

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