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Nov 14, 2021, 9 tweets

Tiny as a teacup and just as cute, the tassie is best known as a pecan-filled, cookie-like pastry.

But why stop at pecan? Just about anything can fill a tassie’s wee pastry crust. They keep well, and a box of tassies makes a darling gift, too.

Instead of making one or three full-size pies, what if you made a few trays of tassies?

That way, no matter what kind of gathering you plan to have, everyone can have a bite (or four!) of their favorite Thanksgiving dessert flavors.

This classic recipe for pecan tassies was adapted from our archives.

Brown sugar and a touch of salt in the filling produces a butterscotch-like layer in each one. Toasted pecans rise to the top and add crunch to each bite.

Ruby red, and with a filling that’s more sour than sweet, these cranberry tassies are made from either fresh or frozen fruit.

Add an optional dollop of toasted meringue, a sugared cranberry and sprig of rosemary to offset the tart filling.

The simplest pumpkin custard gets a generous hit of cinnamon, ginger and nutmeg for these pumpkin pie-inspired tassies.

Top each with the tiniest dollop of whipped cream, if you’d like.

Tangy buttermilk and browned butter unite in a rich, chess-like custard for a Southern-inspired tassie.

Inspired by sugary chess pies, these tassies are not too sweet, and couldn't be easier to make.

The tart and spiced apple filling for these apple pie-like tassies turns jammy as it bakes.

A crunchy brown sugar crumble bakes on top of each one for a pleasant counterpoint.

Like teeny tiny lemon tarts, these lemon tassies will make your mouth pucker — a welcome contrast after a meal of heavy, mellow and meaty flavors.

Use a blowtorch or your broiler to toast a swirl of meringue on top for extra fun.

Like a brownie bite in a buttery crust, this recipe for chocolate tassies is stuffed with chopped dark chocolate.

A pinch of flaky sea salt on top enhances the chocolate’s complex flavors.

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