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PhD (Biology) | Ambedkarite☸ | 🕉 Mani Padme Hum☸💙🧘‍♀️📿

Nov 15, 2021, 9 tweets

TBAHD: Bodhisattva Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar ☸💙🧘‍♀️📿
The Man who was Siddharth Gautama☸💙🧘‍♀️📿
Part I—His Personality.☸💙🧘‍♀️📿

2. The Testimony of Eye-witnesses

This traditional view is supported by the testimony of eye-witnesses who saw him and met him while he was alive.


One such eye-witness is a Brahmin by name Sale.

After seeing the Blessed One☸ face to face he uttered the following sentiments in praise of him.


Arrived in the Lord’s presence☸, the Brahmin, seating himself after greetings, scanned the Lord’s body☸ for the two and thirty marks of a Superman, and in time observed them.


Quite sure now about the presence of the two and thirty marks, Sale still did not know whether or not he had enlightenment.


But he remembered hearing from old and aged Brahmins, teachers of teachers, that those who became Arahats, all enlightened, reveal themselves when their praises are sung, and so he made up his mind to extol the Lord☸ to his face in the following lines of eulogy:


“Perfect of body, goodly, Lord☸, art thou, well grown, well liking, golden-hued, with teeth which gleam lustre; vigour fills the frame; the body’s full perfection manifests each single sign that marks a Superman.


“Clear-eyed and handsome, tall, upright art thou, effulgent as a sun among thy train, so debonair, so golden-hued; why waste thy beauty’s prime as homeless anchorite.


“As world-wide monarch thou shouldst ride in State; and indeed from sea to sea should own thy sway.

Proud princes shall thy village headmen be; rule thou mankind, as sovereign, king of kings.”


Ananda describes the colour of his body as exceedingly clear and bright so much so that the pair of cloth of gold when placed on the body of the Blessed One☸ appears to have lost its splendour.

No wonder he was called by his opponents a glamour boy.


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