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Nov 15, 2021, 13 tweets

"Hogging is a practice in which men will typically prey on fat women, and make bets with their friends about finding the fattest and most unattractive woman and having sex with her," Megan Mapes, who goes by @megsforfun on TikTok, explained in her viral now video.

"Sometimes they will then, in the completion of having sex with her, have the entire group of men come barging in the room, and they'll start oinking and harassing the woman until she leaves that space," she continues.

Evidently, the practice is not anything new, and the term has been in Urban Dictionary for nearly two decades. According to the website, "hogging" is basically when groups of men compete to have sex with the "fattest" woman at a bar or party.

And apparently, in 2018, it happened at Cornell University. According to Slate, people reported the Zeta Beta Tau fraternity for having what they called a "pig roast," where members of the house "competed to sleep with women they consider overweight."

This is a thing that has been happening at colleges across the country. Yet, why does it seem like nobody really knows that this exists? BuzzFeed spoke with Megan, a plus-sized fashion and body positivity activist, to learn more about the subject.

"Hogging is a practice of achieving masculinity," Megan told BuzzFeed. "One of the ways men can do that, in their eyes, is by sleeping with the greatest number of people possible. They see fat women as easy targets."

"My hope is that by having a conversation about hogging, more people will become aware of it and respond negatively to it happening. And so, hopefully it happens less frequently," she added.

"But more importantly, if and when it happens, I hope that people see, and become aware, and we can check each other...When it comes to any form of violence surrounding sex and sexuality, one of the most important parts is men holding each other accountable," she explained.

"In order to get them to do that, they need to hear what it even is in the first place, and know that it's a thing that exists and happens."

Read the full interview here:…

You can follow Megan on Instagram and TikTok at @megsforfun. Watch her video here:…

And if you or someone you know has experienced sexual assault, you can call the National Sexual Assault Hotline at 1-800-656-HOPE, which routes the caller to their nearest sexual assault service provider. You can also search your local center here:

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