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Old millennial. Editor/reporter/delivery boy @currentfv. Subscribe: https://t.co/wPfs5L62xF

Nov 15, 2021, 8 tweets

1. Side thread: With the Nooksack in "major flood" stage and its water heading north of the border (hence the evac alerts), worth considering what that can mean. Luckily we have a report from last year spelling out just what a Nooksack flood can look like.

2. Study looked at a variety of scenarios. Unclear right now which one we are looking at. We haven't yet seen Highway 1 closed, as happened in 1990, but that seems verrrrrrry possible.

3. One potential consequence: Flooding of many farm parcels with sewage lagoons.

Another: fuel sources in the way of the water may be swept away, and contaminate, floodwaters:

Pipelines: including a major pumping station near the border. This is where that pumping station is located.

6. Estimated damages in $

7. Homes: Huntingdon is the densest neighbourhood in line for flooding. The yellow dots here represent homes that were flooded 30 years ago:

8. Side thread ended. You can find this report here: abbotsford.ca/sites/default/…
Also, you can find that link, and other key links, in our @currentfv flooding overview and story below. Subscribe: fvcurrent.com:

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