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Sex Matters. Stand up for single sex services This is not a culture war

Nov 16, 2021, 7 tweets

Does anybody want to buy a bridge?

Galop is crowdfunding for £10k to "keep our National Conversion Therapy helpline open"

You might think that is an odd thing for a £1.6m organisation to do....

Until you learn that Galop only raises about £15k a year from donations.

The rest comes from government contracts.

Galop say in their Crowdfunder that work with victims of conversion therapy "every day"

Which is odd because when Stonewall, Mermaids etc did a national survey they could only find 43 people who said they had had such a negative experience in relation to gender identity…

How much helpline does £10k buy you? And why, given that Galop already run two helplines (on hate crime and domestic abuse), are people not already using its existing services to report this abuse?

(Indeed you would think Galop would have some numbers on this 🤔)

Galop say a new helpline is specially needed now during the govt consultation on conversion therapy which may be triggering...

But also, the govt's proposal to ban conversion therapy (for which Galop is campaigning) includes a plan to commission a helpline (starting the process in Nov before the consultation is finished).

Who better to do that then the org already running the "National Helpline"?

I hope @trussliz tendering process has an equality policy that includes belief discrimination

Galop's policy on who they hire and who they block suggests they operate a "No TERFS on our Turf" policy which is not fully inclusive of all LGBT+ people

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