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The supplier of your daily Seokjin dose •아포방포 • fan account • bu:@jinniemyluv

Nov 16, 2021, 30 tweets

How to take care of Seokjin - a guide by Maknae Line

1. Feed him

2. Let him taste delicious things

3. Tie a bow on your head and become a birthday present for him

4. Make sure to give him full attention

5. Give him warm hugs
(exhibit a)

(exhibit b)

(exhibit c)

6. Style his hair

7. Kiss to relieve the pain when he gets hurt

9. Hype and appreciate his songs

10. Cuddle with him

11. Praise his beauty

12. Play with him

13. Buy him lovely gifts

14. Make sure he is okay in every situation - When Jimin asked Jin if he is sure he wants to sleep in the car

15. Take care of your seokjin and make him look pretty

16. Make sure to remind him that he always looks good

17. Wait for him until he finishes his work to go home together

18. Always appreciate him

19. Tell him that you love him

20. Give him a lot of kisses

Feel free to add more :)…

December birthdays goals !!

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