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Nov 16, 2021, 6 tweets

Tobacco use is falling by 5⃣ million people per year

πŸ†• WHO global tobacco trends report released today, shows that there are 1.3 billion tobacco users 🌐 compared to 1.32 billion in 2015, & expected to β†˜οΈ to 1.27 billion by 2025.


#CommitToQuit 🚭

Millions of lives have been saved by effective & comprehensive tobacco control policies.
6⃣0⃣ countries are now on track to achieving the voluntary 🌐 target of a 30% β†˜οΈ in tobacco use between 2010 & 2025: 2 years ago only 32 countries were on track.


In 2020, 22.3% of the 🌎🌍🌏 population used tobacco:
πŸ‘¨ 36.7% of all men
πŸ‘© 7.8% of all women

Approximately 38 million children (aged 13-15) currently use tobacco:
πŸ‘§ 13 million girls
πŸ‘¦ 25 million boys

For your health, #CommitToQuit!


Investing US$1.68 per capita each year in cessation interventions like brief advice, toll-free quit lines & SMS cessation support could help 152 million tobacco users successfully #CommitToQuit by 2030, saving millions of lives & contributing to economies.

Cessation interventions are cost-effective, and are vital tools to help end the tobacco epidemic. Helping people #CommitToQuit tobacco prevents deaths & helps avoid economic losses by ensuring a healthier & more productive population.


The β†˜οΈ number of tobacco users have the industry worried. Don’t fall for their tricks, don’t switch to products promoted by tobacco & related industries.

#CommitToQuit with the help of our toolkit:


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