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Nov 16, 2021, 9 tweets

Madison Cawthorn is now campaigning against the “welfare state” subsidizing “fatherless homes.”

Cawthorn says he has “no problem helping the needy,” but “will not fund the lazy.”

In a rant against women in the workplace and schools, Madison Cawthorn claimed, “America is the greatest force for good to happen since Jesus Christ died on the cross.”

Madison Cawthorn complains about “very destitute people” being loaded onto planes causing him to miss earlier flights.

“If anybody tells you the 2020 election was not stolen, they are lying to you.”

If Republicans win the majority, Madison Cawthorn promises to charge Dr. Fauci and conduct a “forensic audit of all 50 states” to make sure they win and get “Donald Trump back in the White House.”

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Madison Cawthorn suggests China may have released COVID-19 “on purpose” and pledges to draft legislation to “seize every single piece of Chinese assets” in the US as a down payment for “reparations.”

Madison Cawthorn believes “we had a virus released on us” and “we should put ourselves on a war footing” by pulling all manufacturing from China.

Madison Cawthorn says his group of 40-50 wants to “eliminate non-conservative members of the Republican Party” and he will begin endorsing the primary opponents of GOP incumbents.

Madison Cawthorn calls masking children “psychological child abuse.”

(Video issue in original)

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