5th Gen AZ Family- unelected to SC Profile picture
It’s not that masks don’t do anything to stop a submicron virus, it’s that they can’t.

Nov 16, 2021, 7 tweets

A breakdown of the @CDC Director’s Twitter video comment that:

“masks reduce the chance of infection by more than 80%.”

Her source is a sentence here from the CDC’s cloth mask study👇

There are 8 “small-number references” pertaining to this sentence which “prove the case”

Small-letter 5: masks stops droplets, not so good on aerosols:

Small-letter 6: $40 to view.

Small-letter 15: no aerosols mentioned

Small-letter 16: “….significant leakage jets that may present major hazards.”

Small letter 4: measured droplets.

Small letter 3: in press.

Small letter 9: non-aerosol results; “if aersol transmission is later determined to be a significant driver….then our findings may overestimate the effectiveness of face coverings.”

Small-letter 14: “…even N95 could not completely block the transmission of virus droplets/aerosols even when sealed.”

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