Jamie Langley Profile picture
MSc Applied Sport & Exercise Science, HE Lecturer. Exercise Physiology & Biomechanics. https://t.co/znOd74RAZp

Nov 16, 2021, 11 tweets

The IOC trans guidelines are very weak.

The performance benefits of testosterone do not discriminate between sport.

On average males have a performance benefit of 11.2% (± 1. 25) across all running events & 19.0% (± 2.57) for all jumping events.



The gender gap exists across all running distances as shown by Thibault et al (2010) study showsthe smallest margin in running events of 6.5% in the 100m but the largest difference 13.96% I the 4x100m.



The gender gap in performance is present across all world records, 10.0% ±2.94 between men & women for all events. 

The gap ranges from 5.5% in 800m freestyle, 7% for speed skating, 8.7% cycling, 10.7% in running, & 18.8% in long jump.

Testosterone does not discriminate.


In Olympic weightlifting from the age of 10 to 12 years a gender gap emerges with a difference of 11.7% between sex's at the age of 14.

At 25 the gender gap rises to 23.6% for lighter athlete's (69kg) and increases to 29.9% at 81kg.



The #IOC ask for "disproportionate advantage" this disproportionate sex advantage is clear as cited via peer review academic literature.

Male's have a clear advantage over female's. If male's are left to compete against female's in sport elite female's will seize to exist.


Tucker and Santos-Concejero highlight the difference in males and females WR's is not continuing to close but remains vast on average male-female gap is currently 11.2 ± 1.0% for all running events.



Comparison of female WR'S vs. Number of Males quicker.

6052 males have ran quicker than the women's 100m WR of 10.49s.

The women's 800m world lead time of 1.55.04 for 2021 has been bettered by 232 males in the UK alone in 2021 including U17's.


Women's Tokyo Olympic Long Jump was won in 7.00m vs. Males was won in 8.41m. A difference of 1.41m (20.14%)

Women's Tokyo Olympic Long Jump was won in 2.04m vs. Males was won in 2.37m. A difference of 0.33m (16.17%).


In strength events males significantly outperform women even when women have a weight advantage.

Tokyo 2021 Olympic weightlifting:

Males 61kg combined lift = 313kg Vs. Females 64kg combined lift = 236kg. A difference of 77kg, 32.63%!

Females 87kg+ combine=282kg
31kg (10.99%)

A little thread highlighting a small degree of the "disproportionate advantage" male's have over female's. This evidence is easily identifiable highlighting the fallacy of the IOC's guidelines.

@seaningle @mara_yamauchi @FondOfBeetles @iocmedia @runthinkwrite @Scienceofsport

High jump* for the second values.

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