RAVEN Le MAVEN Profile picture

Nov 17, 2021, 30 tweets

Name Redacted to reduce noise

When IP Addresses fail you because of anonymization, find another way to track down the badguys.


An exercise in Dmytro Firtash.

'Dmytro Vasylovych Firtash is a Ukrainian businessman who heads the board of directors of Group DF and a middleman for the Russian natural gas giant Gazprom with connections to the Kremlin'

An exercise on Putin's Chef - combined with Trump's Moscow Tower Developer (a #Cybernetics Specialist)

An exercise on the American NAZI Party

An exercise on ROD OF IRON MINISTRIES and Dr. Richard A. Panzer, ph.D (a Panzer Family Business)

An exercise in The Troll Farm, Incels, DailyStormer, a Cybernetics Specialist...

An exercise in CodeMonkey, Philippines...

An exercise in the relationship between Jim Watkins, Nick Lim, QAnon, Russian Server Host VDSINA and HorseFuckers....

One of a number of exercises on Cambridge Analytica and SCL... as with others clusters and all of the above

One exercise in DarkNetMarkets...

Check out the new media...

There was something about that look that deserved another look...

Nic. Nashville. UK. Somewhere.

But. I digress.

Oh, the places you'll go...

Time to get some Cheeeeeese, Gromit. Give it up, buddy...

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