Michael Shellenberger Profile picture
Bestselling author, “Apocalypse Never,” "San Fransicko" :: Dao Journalism Winner :: Time, "Hero of Environment" : CBR Chair @UAustinOrg

Nov 17, 2021, 9 tweets

For decades, Greens said Europe could shut down its nuclear plants & rely on renewables & a bit of natural gas. Last week Euro leaders pressured Africa & India to give up coal. Now, Europe finds itself at the mercy of Russia and is burning coal plants like there’s no tomorrow

Having warned of all of this for more than a decade, am I enjoying this? To some extent I am. Call it energiewendeschadenfreude.

Who could have ever guessed that the people who said industrial civilization was a mistake were trying, through their energy policies, to destroy industrial civilization?

Just spitballing here, but maybe the ex-chancellor?

almost like Germany’s after something other than climate mitigation

I’m sure everything will go fine after Germany shuts down 6 nuclear reactors over the next 13 months…

Meanwhile, Belgian Greens, who pride themselves on their cosmopolitan sophistication, are following Germans off a cliff


Does it matter that the former business partner of Belgium’s energy minister works for natural gas interests, which stand to make billions replacing nuclear plants?

They say there’s absolutely no conflict of interest 😉


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