Chris Munn Profile picture
Scaling businesses @ The Fairfield Company

Nov 17, 2021, 11 tweets

There are 5 billion YouTube videos watched daily.

But most viewers just waste time on the site.

Here are 7 tips for boosting your productivity when watching YouTube 👇

Subscribe to Great Channels

Find a topic you want to learn about and head to reddit to find out who are the go to creators in that niche.


A few examples:

Productivity - @AliAbdaal
Crypto - @coinbureau
Real Estate - @sweatystartup

Consider purchasing YouTube premium.

1) This removes ads which will save you screen time on the site.

2) This allows you to download videos. If you're on a flight and want to continue learning, this is a huge benefit.

Use the "Subscription Feed" view

Youtube's algorithm is the GOAT. They know how to keep you watching.

On the left side of YouTube, click "subscriptions".

The only thing that will show up are those great channels you subscribed to.

Nothing else.

Turn on Closed Captioning

Listening is passive. Reading is active.

You will retain more when you do both.

Just hit the "CC" button at the bottom of the video.

Take Notes

It is easy to forget the things you learn on YouTube.

Taking notes will help you remember all that you read and hear.

Notion is a great tool for doing just that.

Here's a bit on note taking.

Turn Autoplay Off

As stated earlier, YouTube's algorithm is the GOAT.

Take back control of your time on YouTube by turning Autoplay off so that you only watch the videos you choose to.

Create Playlists

The videos from the topics you are learning about can all be added to playlists.

Here you can add videos that you would like to rewatch in the future.

Share playlists with friends and learn something together.

Participate in the Community

Sometimes we forget the social aspect of social media.

Speak up. Comment. Ask questions.

You will be surprised at the connections you make and the insights you gain just by speaking up.

I'm Chris.

I send my community 2-3 threads a week of breakdowns just like this one.

Come along for the ride.

👉 @chrisxmunn 👈


How to Use YouTube Productively

🔔 Subscribe to Great Channels
💵 Use Youtube Premium
👀 Use Subscription View
📖 Turn on Closed Captioning
📝 Take Notes
⏯ Turn Autoplay off
🗣 Participate in Community

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