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#krew gang gang Official T.G Kiba bag holders follow me and I follow bak

Nov 17, 2021, 12 tweets

@DaCryptoGhost 1
Read this before you jump into another rugpull and lose all
your hard earned money.
When you jump into a project, you want it to satisfy logic
and emotion. Cold hard facts backed up by millions of
years of evolution we call the gut feeling.


@DaCryptoGhost 2
At first look $kiba looks really nice, sleek website, a warm community that seems like
they’re old friends. So many active promoters on twitter - a reason why you see it
everywhere - Barely 2.5 weeks old project that constantly frontlines the dextools

@DaCryptoGhost 3
But you're hesitant because nowadays there’s hundreds of scams and rugpulls a day,
lots of cheap and run of the mill doggy anime tokens so you look more into it before
buying and then...

@DaCryptoGhost 4

it really hits home by satisfying your other side of the brain – facts, analysis and
5k+ Eth 7.5k+ BSC holders
1 Mill+ in marketing wallet
1 Mill+ in buy backs

@DaCryptoGhost 5
It;s ambitious what they;re doing, trying to build solid infrastructure – an all in one
place - for the meme enjooyer but savvy investor. Utility is a buzzword but that’s what
they have in abundance.

@DaCryptoGhost 6
A meme dex swap for trading your $kiba tokens
Honey Pot tool for sniffing contracts that could be scams
A fomo app that catches new launches so you can buy in early
A bridge for the Eth – BSC hoppers.
All this tied by 1 fact is that you have to hold #kiba to use the tools

@DaCryptoGhost 7
And if you;ve been rugpulled before by devs who were ‘tired and just needs to sleep’ and never to be seen again, that fear is relieved by their recent KYC Doxx.

This alsoopens up doors to big partnerships and CEX’s. People will want to work with us now.

@DaCryptoGhost 8
More fear and uncertainty is relieved with their current certik audit being in progess
and should finish very soon. This project is making it's way to becoming a solid blue
chip meme coin, banging with the big dogs.

@DaCryptoGhost 9
So by now you’re already trying hard to not FOMO in. The sentiment on meme coins are that retail loves them and they are here to stay. Dog coins aren’t going anywhere, $AMC looking at working with $SHIB in a couple of months. $FLOKI and $SAITA just killing it.

@DaCryptoGhost 10
It seems like there are less tourists now compared to 2017, we now have die hard
communities pushing the frontier of DEFI.
In a saturated market full of doggy coins, there is competiton yes - it’s a sign that
money is flowing in from retail and soon even bigger players

@DaCryptoGhost 11
Okay so you’re convinced you want to buy but is now a good time? Massive cup and handle pattern forming on the 4H chart. Break out this mini wedge we back at the highs. Dont be surprised to see this get violent. The setup is exactly the same as $FLOKI before it ran huge

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