Tete Fadzie Profile picture
Marketer|Loving Tete|GGMU ❤️|@ZwitterChoice

Nov 18, 2021, 60 tweets

l got a request from one of my followers to ask the audience the following questions:
1.Qualifications one has
3. Salary
You can respond anonymously via the link below. Your participation will be greatly appreciated ❤️

Response #1

Response #2

Please kindly include experience eg 2 years and location eg Zimbabwe

Response #3

Response #4

Response #5

Response #6

Response #7

Response #8

Response #9

Response #10

Response #11

response #13

response #14

response #15

Response #16

response #17

response #18

response #19

response #20

response #21

response #22

response #23

response #24

response #25

response #26

response #27

response #28

response #29

response #30

response #31

response #33

response #34

response #35

response #36

response #37

response #39

response #40

responses # 41,42,43,44,45

response #46,47,48,49,50

responses #51,52,53,54

responses #55,56,57,58.59

response #60,61,62,63

response #64,65,66,67

responses #68,69,70,71

responses #72,73,74,75

response #76,77,78,79

responses #80,81,82,83

responses 84,85,86,87,88

Takasvika 140 responses togumira ipapo

responses #89,90,91,92,93

responses #94,95,96,97

responses 98,99,101,102

responses #103,104,105,106

responses #107,108,109,110

responses #111,112,113,114

responses #115,116,117,118

For today lets end here, thank you so much to those who participated, l hope the information will be useful.

Pane amboti no doctors posted one uyo

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