Mohammed Irshad Profile picture
A Muslim| Independent Journalist| by lines: @thewire_in words with @thenewsminute

Nov 18, 2021, 6 tweets

Somvarpet (Kodagu) is turning out to be Sanghparivar terror hub now. This is the 3rd incident which happened today and it's utterly horrific, 2 Muslim girl students were assaulted & attacked after making the video by Sanghparivar goons for giving burkha to their Hindu friend.

Their Hindu Friend had borrowed Burkha from one of the student telling that she had to take notes from her friend, later on her pic in burkha with her BF got viral on social media. Now Sanghis have become police & police has become Chowkidars.
Students are now hospitalized.

This is not the first issue, 2 such attacks has already been reported in last 3 days and this is the 3rd case, Tragedy is Police has not yet arrested anybody in this case also no proper cases were filed in previous issues.
@SPKodagu where is your police?

These are said to be involved in making videos and assaulting students.
Thanmai, Madan and 30 others were the part of this heinous act. Look at him he is so young and that's how Sanghparivar is using youths for their agenda.

FIR has been registered against the culprits and POCSO act has been added. This is not a joke, Today if it's those sisters, tommorow it will be ours. People should raise their voice against this.

Muslim Community Leaders say Police have sorted 24hours time to arrest the culprits.

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