Nikhil Tirumalasetty ๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ณ Profile picture
I make art, create content, design & build stuff with no-code/low-code. 9-5 โ†’ Product guy @getFincent, 5-9 + weekends โ†’ building & writing.

Nov 18, 2021, 19 tweets

Key takeaways from @TheProductfolks #ProductAnalytics101 session by @nireyal

[Visual] Golden nuggets ๐Ÿ‘‡


Why We Use Certain Products More?


How Do Companies Build Habit-Forming Product?

by using the "Hooked" framework

1. Trigger

Some powerful internal triggers

Few companies that connected user emotions to products effectively

2. Action

Craft simplest behavior

Increase motivation

Increase ability

Add right trigger & trigger right

3. Reward

3 types of rewards

Craft irresistible reward

4. Investment

Use investment wisely


When ( & when not) to use HOOKED

1. If you really think you need to build a habit ( good & meaningful ).
2. when you want your users to do what they wanted to do but weren't able to do ( not what you wanted to do ).

Some more key points:
1. Use data to get insights about what your user actually do.
2. Use data to know where to invest your time, effort, and money.
3. Use data to know what to build next.

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@TheProductfolks @MotwaniSuhas @ditimodi15
Here is my (visual) notes๐Ÿ˜

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