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I hunt fake history and correct it, but also post amazing real history stuff. Rude, obscene, vulgar, racist people who can't act like grown-ups get blocked.

Nov 18, 2021, 11 tweets

Watching 'The Brothers Grimm' to get a good screenshot of the carriage used in that film as it is sometimes shared with the claim that it is a genuine Victorian carriage in stead of one designed by specifically by Guy Hendrix Dyas for this film.
What a lovely film it is.

Just look at this gorgeous sweetness.
And of course it's all a fairytale sort of fantasy history so there's no real need to pay attention to historical accuracy.

Mind you, even though this isn't the middle ages, we have someone emptying a bucket from a window into a street.
Don't people realise how silly this is?
No matter what era, even in the rain, anyone, ever, would get angry if they walked underneath that.

It is so nice to watch a fairytale film by Terry Gilliam, for once I don't have to care about things that aren't historically correct, it's all nonsense, glorious, beautiful nonsense.

I'm not quite sure if this outfit is accurate.... ;)

Ah the glorious Sir Jonathan Pryce!

Just a few of Napoleon's most trusted advisors.
Oh how I laughed ;)

Spoiler alert;

Peter Stormare looking spiffy!

Mackenzie Crook, Heath Ledger and the lovely Richard Ridings!
The cast in this film is amazing.

See, that's why you don't want muddy streets.

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