Eliot Higgins Profile picture
Founder and creative director of @Bellingcat and director of Bellingcat Productions BV. Author of We Are Bellingcat. Tonal Whiplash Zone.

Nov 18, 2021, 6 tweets

Okay gents, time to get excited, here's NeuralBlender's response to "The most beautiful woman in the world."

This is, no joke, the result on the same settings for "The most handsome man in the world." I think the machines are trying to tell us something.

This is "Bellingcat". Next year's Halloween costume sorted.

"The most beautiful person", according to Neural Blender. At least it's not another dog.

I've adjusted for the dog error to present to you "The most handsome human male in the world."

And finally "The Most beautiful thing in the world"

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