This piece lays out the roadmap for how Republicans in Wisconsin continue to move further toward competitive authoritarianism. Increasingly likely that even if Democrats win the most votes, the gerrymandered legislature will overturn the outcome. 1/…
I say "move further toward competitive authoritarianism" because Wisconsin Republicans have already moved away from a reasonably fair democracy. Most of it occurred very quickly, in the last decade. No punishment for this slide, no reason to think it will stop. 2/
Starting in 2010, you have perhaps the most efficient gerrymander in the country, one that essentially guarantees that Republicans cannot lose the legislature, regardless of their action. SCOTUS could have intervened, but Kennedy punted. Green light for more of this. 3/
Working (or firing) the state election refs. The GOP harassed and then disbanded the nonpartisan GAB, then fired any senior leaders who worked for it. They created the bipartisan WEC and are now threatening to do the same.
Message: If you don't toe the line, we will get you.
Republicans are using the power of the state to also harass local election officials in Democratic cities. This is new, but in line with Trump-style tactics to intimidate officials who won't produce the election outcome he wants. 5/
You have the introduction of voter ID, and voting restrictions aimed at Black voters (such as blocking "Souls to the Polls" voter outreach). You have the legislature stripping the Dem Governor and Attorney General of powers as soon as they have won 6/…
WI is a purple state, where Dems have a good record at winning statewide races. But Republicans have rigged the system to make sure they hold disproportionate power. They use that power to make it harder for processes of democratic accountability to fix the lack of democracy. 7/
The reason we should expect this to continue is that there has been zero punishment for WI Republicans pursuing democratic backsliding. To the extent they bother justifying rigging the rules of the game, it is to claim that Dems are actually the ones attacking democracy. 8/
The WI legislature overturning federal election results seems radical. But they have 3 of 7 votes on the state Supreme Court for radical actions, and are laying the groundwork by discrediting state and local election officials. And party leaders are openly talking about it!
Final thought: Historically WI was known for its strong good government tradition, and policy innovations from progressive ideas to welfare reform.
When you heard about WI in the last decade, how often has it been b/c politicians were helping the public vs. trying to ignore them?
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